
Course curriculum

    1. Introduction copy

    2. Assessing your energy

    3. Assessing Your Energy Explanation

    4. Everything is Energy.pdf

    5. Exercise to see, sense or hear energy

    1. What is Clearing?

    2. Exercise - Clearing Your Personal Space

    3. Clearing Your Personal Space

    4. Exercise - Clearing your Work/Home Space

    5. Clearing Your Home/Work Space

    6. Other ways to clear energy

    7. Meditation Waterfall Clearing

    1. What is grounding

    2. Grounding Exercise

    3. Grounding

    4. Other ways to ground

    5. Meditation Self Healing

    1. What is Protection?

    2. Exercise - protection using archtypal animal

    3. Exercise - Protection using ball of light/black wetsuit

    4. Exercise - Protection using coloured cloak

    5. Protection

    1. Life Skills Clear, Ground & Protect

About this course

  • £95.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


  • Can anybody do this course?

    Yes, I have taught Clearing, Grounding and Protection to adults and children, therapists and non-therapists. These life skills can benefit anyone in any walk of life.

  • Why is Grounding, Clearing & Protection useful to me?

    Because it enables you to be calm and positive even in the most challenging of situations. It gives you a new level of freedom within, empowering you with clarity, focus and positivity, optimising your wellbeing both personally and professionally.

  • Can Clearing, Grounding & Protection help to reduce stress?

    Yes. The simple and powerful techniques taught in this course, enable you to release negativity, calm the mind, and achieve balance in thoughts, moods and emotions.

  • Why would I want to clear my energy?

    Like dust in a house, energy gathers over time. Energy is positive and negative. By not clearing your system, it becomes clogged up, and your thoughts, feelings and emotions are affected.

  • Does Clearing, Grounding & Protection make you less empathetic?

    It makes you more empathetic because it allows you to open up more to people as you have the tools to clear the energy afterwards.

Clear, Ground & Protect

Discover a new level of freedom and positivity today

'Cleaning your energy system is as important as cleaning your physical body & home.'

Maria Bowbanks

I love helping people awaken awareness to be the best version of themselves, tapping into their inner strength and light to realise their true potential. Everything is energy and energy impacts everything we do in life, learning to understand energy helps one to optimise their wellbeing both personally and professionally, developing clarity and focus and a whole new level of freedom and positivity. I have been teaching for the last 30 years and continue teaching personal and spiritual development, healing, meditation and wellbeing courses, workshops and 1 to 1 coaching. Power Up Your Positivity Today 😊💛